Entry Value
Name natural-bits_186
Conclusion !n. bit_width n = (if n = 0 then 0 else log 2 n + 1)
Constructive Proof Yes
Classical Lemmas N|A
Constructive Lemmas
  • T
  • !x. x = x
  • !t. (!x. t) <=> t
  • !f y. (\x. f x) y = f y
  • !n. bit_width n = (if n = 0 then 0 else log 2 n + 1)
  • T <=> (\p. p) = (\p. p)
  • (/\) = (\p q. (\f. f p q) = (\f. f T T))
  • (==>) = (\p q. p /\ q <=> p)
  • (!) = (\p. p = (\x. T))
  • NUMERAL = (\n. n)
  • Contained Package natural-bits
    Comment Probability package from OpenTheory.
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